Sunday, August 12, 2012

That time of year....

It is the time of year, when it starts to cool down that I start to think about fall/winter clothing for the kids. It is such a hassle and usually takes a weekend to sort through all I have and come up with what I need. I don't want to do it. There is a huge lack of motivation around here to go through clothes....I really can't stand doing it. :)

BUT...I am so happy when it is all done.

With fall/winter clothes, comes SOCKS...we never wear socks in the summer...I hate socks. I hate the way they feel, and most of all....I HATE TO FOLD SOCKS. In the winter, I usually leave all the socks on the bed and my great husband, knowing I can't stand to fold them, will usually come in and start pulling socks out of clean laundry pile and begin to fold them. Some may ask, then why do I care if they are folded or not? I do care...I don't want to wear mis-matched socks or go through the hassle of finding mathcing socks in the morning....I just don't like to fold them.

Now I have a whole fall/winter to look forward to having to fold the socks...and sort and fold laundry by myself. It's just one of those small things that you don't realize about that other person until they are not around to do it. Although, I did acknowledge and thank Jesse plenty when he would come in and take over the sock pile!

Now...Connor has shown some interest in folding socks...hmmm :)

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